An exclusive army of truthful, talented, experienced and passionate engineers inevery discipline including Design, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumentation, Material Management, Construction, etc. is the pride and the most vital asset of Pure Solutions.

This unmatched team of engineers and skilled workers help Pure Solutions in retaining the winning edge consistently, with their unique blend of resourceful experience and technical wisdom. Pure Solutions team of engineers have gained immense expertise in different areas of water and environmental engineering, including designing, production, installation, surveying, civil construction, etc.

Moreover, our vibrant and pro-active management team consisting of technocrats and experienced managers, ensure continuity and confidence, across all projects and services. This team functions as a wide and smooth bridge connecting our discerning clients and their projects, with our engineers and domain experts.

Team Pure Solutions

The pride and the most vital asset of Pure Solutions.

  • Bineesh


  • Anfal T. K

    Managing Director

  • Anees

    Liaison Officer

  • Raniya

    Lab- Chemist

  • Dibiraj

    Purchase Manager

  • Nimisha


For FREE Quotes, or for any water or pollution related queries please call

(9am to 5am on working days)